Friday, August 24, 2007

The updates

So a lot of things just happened all at once. I'll sum up.

Monday - She is in labor
Tuesday - She has kid

Well that sums it up.

So our newest son is here in this large world. Our oldest is great, he tries to be so helpful. Trying too hard at the moment, there will be a time when he can. There will also be a time where he demands we take him back to wherever we got him. So the days of dirty diapers, spit up, random flying food and so forth are back. They only last so long though and then it's gone. This time, as those trends fall to the way side, they will be for the last time, each time. We decided to stop at two kids just because that's a comfortable number in this day and age for us.

What else happened...

Space shuttle Endeavor landed 22 minutes after the birth of our child. That's just awesome! I also learned that people, in general, are very very ... very stupid. I do stupid things but wow. I'm not even going to get into what I'm referring to. Just know it, people are stupid.

Well lets see, what else. Oh right.. the waistline. Yeah. . .
So now that kiddo #2 is here, there is no excuse for slacking on my part. None, zero... if there ever was in the first place, it's gone now! My waist has expanded over the past 4 years. Time to kill it. There are obstacles like, anxiety issues, my scar tissue from previous surgeries, etc. But those things are just excuses. I must press forward. I can work on those things, they won't kill me, they just suck. Well, so far today is good...

A couple of notes:
DON'T EAT CANDY. Not even one tiny itty bitty piece. Nothing, no, zero, zilch. Why? Why not? Because it'll just make me want more, durh hurh?!!?!

I will have my one cup o' coffee each day though, you bastards! I will also add one extra cup o' water to go with it.

6 rounded.. er, squared... uh, cubed?? meals a day. 1200-1400 calories PER DAY. Why so strict you say? Nazi you say? No, because if I don't get strict, I'll get lenient if I get lenient then I slack. When I slack, bad things happen. So I'd rather be strict and happy than a slacker and miserable, eh?

Ok, enough for now. Time to work.

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